Name Creator Category Date Views Comments Supporters

S/RES/2728 (2024) - The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-26 340 0 0

S/RES/2727 (2024) - The situation in Afghanistan (UNAMA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-18 475 0 0

S/RES/2726 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNMISS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-15 398 0 0

S/RES/2724 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-11 408 0 0

S/RES/2725 (2024) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (Panel of Experts)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2024-03-11 396 0 0

S/RES/2715 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNITAMS)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-04 685 0 0

S/RES/2714 (2023) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-04 612 0 0

S/RES/2713 (2023) - Peace and Security in Africa

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-12-04 581 0 0

S/RES/2710 (2023) - The situation in Somalia

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-16 767 0 0

S/RES/2709 (2023) - The situation in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-16 706 0 0

S/RES/2708 (2023) - Reports of the Secretary-General on the Sudan and South Sudan (UNISFA)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-15 569 0 0

S/RES/2707 (2023) - The situation in the Middle East (2140 sanctions)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-15 592 0 0

S/RES/2706 (2023) - The situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-03 582 0 0

S/RES/2705 (2023) - The situation in Somalia (UNSOM)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-01 581 0 0

S/RES/2704 (2023) - Identical letters dated 19 January 2016 from the Permanent Representative of Colombia to the United Nations addressed to the Secretary-General and the President of the Security Council (S/2016/53)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-11-01 589 0 0

S/RES/2703 (2023) - The situation concerning Western Sahara (MINURSO)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-31 585 0 0

S/RES/2702 (2023) - The situation in Libya (UNSMIL)

Un Sc Security & Conflict Resolution 2023-10-31 590 0 0

C138 - Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)

Robert Sell Economy 2024-03-03 579 0 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Åtgärder i samband med rekonstruktion av SAS AB

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-25 1 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens arbete med väntetider i vården

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-25 1 0

Arbetsmiljö och arbetstid

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 9 0 0

Konsumenträtt m.m.

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 8 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 10 0 0

Ytterligare anpassningar till EU:s förordningar om medicinteknik

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 11 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till ändring av direktivet om harmoniserade flodinformationstjänster på inre vattenvägar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 9 0 0

Vitbok om exportkontroll av produkter med dubbla användningsområden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 10 0 0

Höjd spelskatt

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 11 0 0

Internationellt bistånd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 8 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-22 9 0 0

Punktskatt och tull

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 21 0 0

Riksdagens arbetsformer

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 20 0 0

Likvärdiga krav på mål och riktlinjer för utförare av kommunal verksamhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 17 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 19 0 0

Nationell strategi mot våldsbejakande extremism och terrorism – förebygga, förhindra, skydda och hantera

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 17 0 0

Förbättrade möjligheter att ändra kön

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-15 16 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-10 27 0 0

Militära frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 33 0 0

Regelförenkling för företag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 26 0 0

Samhällets krisberedskap

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 27 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 32 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 28 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Riksbankens tillgångsköp

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-04-08 26 0 0

Fri- och rättigheter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 60 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 59 0 0

Barn och unga inom socialtjänsten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 56 0 0

Genomförande av nya krav på upphettade tobaksvaror

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 55 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 61 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 55 0 0

Information om bränsleförbrukning och koldioxidutsläpp vid marknadsföring av nya personbilar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 60 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om förändrade inkomstskatteregler 2011–2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-29 56 0 0

Rapport om subsidiaritet och proportionalitet och om förbindelserna med de nationella parlamenten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-20 76 0 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2024 – Försvarsmateriel och ekonomiskt stöd till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-20 62 0 0

Mellanöstern och Nordafrika

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-20 71 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 68 0 0

Tryck- och yttrandefrihet, massmediefrågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 61 0 0

Genomförande av ändrade EU-regler om avgifter på väg

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 57 0 0

Alkohol, narkotika, dopning, tobak och spel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 62 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om att underlätta gränsöverskridande lösningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 60 0 0

En telesamverkansgrupp för fredstida kriser och höjd beredskap

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-18 65 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om reduktionsplikten för bensin och diesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 75 0 0

Det svenska ordförandeskapet i Europeiska unionens råd första halvåret 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 65 0 0

Public service och film

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 78 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 81 0 0

Det schabloniserade föräldraavdraget

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-12 82 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 96 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statlig bidragsgivning till civilsamhället

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 83 0 0

Kommunala och regionala frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 102 0 0

Sekretess för uppgifter om jägare hos länsstyrelsen och Polismyndigheten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 81 0 0

Offentlig förvaltning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-03-07 101 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 136 0 0

Kommunala frågor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 116 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 126 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Samhalls samhällsuppdrag

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 99 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 117 0 0

Ökad motståndskraft i betalningssystemet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 122 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 113 0 0

Behöriga myndigheter enligt EU:s förordning om en gemensam digital ingång

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-26 97 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 88 0 0

Stärkta rättigheter för barn och vuxna i skyddat boende

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 96 0 0

2023 års redogörelse för tillämpningen av lagen om särskild kontroll av vissa utlänningar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 89 0 0

Tillfälliga förbud att transportera personer utan giltiga identitetshandlingar till Sverige

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 93 0 0

Redovisning av användningen av hemliga tvångsmedel under 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 80 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-13 90 0 0

2023 års redogörelse för företag med statligt ägande

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 81 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om etablering av myndigheter utanför Stockholm

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 82 0 0

Försvarspolitik och totalförsvar

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 86 0 0

Ändringar i regelverket om överlämnande enligt en europeisk och nordisk arresteringsorder

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 98 0 0

Skärpt återbetalningsskyldighet i brottmål

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-02-06 83 0 0

Vissa ändringar i regelverket om säkerhetsärenden enligt utlänningslagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 76 0 0

Genomförande av EU:s nya dricksvattendirektiv

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 77 0 0

En skyldighet att lämna uppgifter till Adoptionskommissionen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 68 0 0

Läkemedel och tandvård

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 84 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om ett gemensamt ramverk för företagsbeskattning i Europa

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 85 0 0

Avgift vid prövning av en tvist hos Allmänna reklamationsnämnden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-29 70 0 0

Preventiva vistelseförbud

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-24 79 0 0

En ny dataskyddsreglering på socialförsäkringsområdet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-22 82 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om regeringens styrning av samhällets informations- och cybersäkerhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-22 94 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om internprissättning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2024-01-22 87 0 0

Bättre anpassad undervisningstid i grundskolan, specialskolan och sameskolan

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 78 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till direktiv om inrättande av ett huvudkontorsbaserat skattesystem för mikroföretag samt små och medelstora företag och om ändring av direktiv 2011/16/EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 71 0 0

Utgiftsområde 20 Klimat, miljö och natur

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 80 0 0

Utgiftsområde 24 Näringsliv

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 89 0 0

Stärkt tillgång till läromedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-18 76 0 0

Utgiftsområde 19 Regional utveckling

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 85 0 0

Arbetsmarknadspolitik och arbetslöshetsförsäkringen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 77 0 0

Utgiftsområde 15 Studiestöd

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 86 0 0

Utgiftsområde 13 Integration och jämställdhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 80 0 0

Utgiftsområde 23 Areella näringar, landsbygd och livsmedel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 83 0 0

Tilläggsskatt för företag i stora koncerner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 82 0 0

Skjutvapen och explosiva varor – skärpta straff för de allvarligare brotten

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-11 85 0 0

Utgiftsområde 1 Rikets styrelse

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-05 87 0 0

Kommissionens arbetsprogram 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-12-04 85 0 0

En effektivare upphandlingstillsyn

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-29 88 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om lex Maria och lex Sarah

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-28 89 0 0

Sänkt skatt på bensin och diesel och sänkt skatt på jordbruksdiesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 92 0 0

Sänkning av reduktionsplikten för bensin och diesel

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 85 0 0

Höständringsbudget för 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 89 0 0

Välfärdsteknik inom äldreomsorgen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 94 0 0

Förstärkt reglering av valutaväxlare och andra finansiella institut

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 93 0 0

Statens budget 2024 – Rambeslutet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 93 0 0

Ny kärnkraft i Sverige

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 91 0 0

Pausad uppräkning av skiktgränsen för statlig inkomstskatt för beskattningsåret 2024

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-27 84 0 0

Auktorisationssystem i fråga om tjänster för elektronisk identifiering och digital post

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 75 0 0

Grupptalan till skydd för konsumenters kollektiva intressen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 80 0 0

Förvärv och förvaltning av vissa kreditavtal

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 79 0 0

Vissa skattefrågor med anledning av nya aktiebolagsrättsliga regler om bolags rörlighet över gränserna inom EU

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 83 0 0

Effektivare verktyg vid inre utlänningskontroll

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 76 0 0

Ändrade regler om direkttilldelning av avtal om kollektivtrafik på järnväg

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 77 0 0

Näringsförbud till följd av förbud att bedriva näringsverksamhet som har meddelats i en annan stat

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 77 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Polismyndighetens hantering av mängdbrott

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 77 0 0

Nya bestämmelser om hur Sjunde AP-fonden ska lämna hållbarhetsinformation

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 84 0 0

Ersättning för Riksbankens deltagande i Internationella valutafondens (IMF) finansieringslösning avseende skuldavskrivning beträffande Somalia

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 71 0 0

Digitala bolags- och föreningsstämmor

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 84 0 0

Redovisning av fördelning av medel från Allmänna arvsfonden under budgetåret 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 80 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om Polismyndighetens arbete med särskilda händelser riktade mot organiserad brottslighet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 77 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om bekämpande av sena betalningar vid affärstransaktioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-20 83 0 0

Ett hållbart mediestöd för hela landet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-14 75 0 0

Utökad rätt för elever i gymnasieskolan och anpassade gymnasieskolan att läsa nationella minoritetsspråk

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 73 0 0

Redovisning av AP-fondernas verksamhet t.o.m. 2022

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 69 0 0

Ändring i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Frankrike

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 74 0 0

Fortsatt giltighet av lagen om vissa register för forskning om vad arv och miljö betyder för människors hälsa

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 72 0 0

Nya trafikförsäkringsregler – stärkt skydd för dem som skadas i trafiken

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 61 0 0

Nya verksamheter i utsläppshandelssystemet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-13 68 0 0

Ändrade belopp i euro i försäkringsrörelselagen

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-08 67 0 0

Vissa skärpta villkor för anhöriginvandring och begränsade möjligheter till uppehållstillstånd av humanitära skäl

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 66 0 0

Vissa frågor om justitieråd och om advokater

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 63 0 0

Ekonomiska sanktioner mot terrorism

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 65 0 0


Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-11-06 68 0 0

Extra ändringsbudget för 2023 – Ytterligare försvarsmateriel till Ukraina

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-25 65 0 0

Ändrade bestämmelser om arbetstid för vattenverksamhet

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 71 0 0

Effektiv ekonomistyrning i kommuner och regioner

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 71 0 0

Ändring i skatteavtalet mellan Sverige och Tyskland

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 69 0 0

En gemensam laddningsstandard för viss radioutrustning

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 75 0 0

EU:s kapitaltäcknings- och krishanteringsregelverk – några förtydliganden

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 78 0 0

Riksrevisionens rapport om statens insatser för klimatanpassning av den byggda miljön

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 70 0 0

Riksrevisorns årliga rapport 2023

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 72 0 0

Effektivare luftkvalitetsarbete

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 77 0 0

Nya krav på betaltjänstleverantörer att lämna uppgifter

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 74 0 0

Subsidiaritetsprövning av kommissionens förslag till förordning om fastställande av unionens tullkodex och inrättande av Europeiska unionens tullbyrå

Riksdag Sverige Sweden 2023-10-23 63 0 0

Neurodivergent conditions (screening and teacher training) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-25 1 0

Special Envoy for Freedom of Religion or Belief Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-25 1 0

Thames Water (Special Administration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-24 4 0

British Nationality (Irish Citizens) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-22 12 0 0

Fireworks (noise limits) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-19 11 0 0

Horticultural peat (prohibition of sale) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-04-18 11 0 0

Disposal of waste (advertising and penalty provision) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-28 61 0 0

Telecommunications Infrastructure (Requirement to Share Apparatus) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-28 58 0 0

Climate and Nature Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-25 72 0 0

Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-25 65 0 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 63 0 0

Supply and Appropriation (Anticipation and Adjustments) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 69 0 0

Bishop’s Stortford Cemetery Act 2024, "A Bill to confer powers upon Bishops Stortford Town Council to extinguish rights of burial and disturb human remains in Bishop Stortfords New Cemetery and Old Cemetery for the purpose of increasing the space for in

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 59 0 0

Standards in public life (codes of conduct) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 59 0 0

Private Parking (Regulator) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-22 73 0 0

Tobacco and Vapes Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 86 0 0

A Bill to exempt from VAT supplies of electricity, oil and gas for domestic purposes; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 74 0 0

Illegal and unsustainable fishing (due diligence) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 69 0 0

Football Governance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 80 0 0

Paternity Leave (Bereavement) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-21 72 0 0

A Bill to require offenders serving community and certain other sentences to provide information about names used and contact details.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 73 0 0

A Bill to provide for a category of protection for chalk streams for the purpose of providing additional protections from pollution, abstraction and other forms of environmental damage; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 56 0 0

A Bill to exempt motor homes from caravan site licensing requirements; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 65 0 0

A Bill to place a duty on commercial organisations and public authorities to prevent human rights and environmental harms, including an obligation to conduct and publish human rights and environmental due diligence assessments on their own operations, sub

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 56 0 0

Litigation Funding Agreements (Enforceability) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 71 0 0

A Bill to establish the Independent Football Regulator; to make provision for the licensing of football clubs; to make provision about the distribution of revenue received by organisers of football competitions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-20 62 0 0

A Bill to require specified organisations and public bodies to inform children and young people of local, national and online support services available to them following a bereavement; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 61 0 0

A Bill to transfer the power to designate sites of special scientific interest from Natural England to the Secretary of State; to make provision about the exercise of that power by the Secretary of State; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 63 0 0

A Bill to Provide for the quashing of convictions in England and Wales for certain offences alleged to have been committed while the Horizon system was in use by the Post Office; to make provision about the deletion of cautions given in England and Wales

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 77 0 0

A Bill to require employers to ensure that personal protective equipment provided at work to people with certain protected characteristics within the meaning of the Equality Act 2010 is suitable for the wearer; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 54 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the maintenance of registers by local authorities of children in their area who are not full-time pupils at any school; to make provision about support by local authorities to promote the education of such children; to make

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 66 0 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with restricting the importation and non-commercial movement of dogs, cats and ferrets.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 66 0 0

A Bill to make provision about public procurement in respect of British goods and services; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 66 0 0

A Bill to require providers of electronic communications networks to allow their customers to access certain public sector websites free of charge; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 63 0 0

A Bill to require companies and certain other persons to insure against their liability for injury to third parties and premises; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 68 0 0

A Bill to authorise the use of resources for the years ending with 31 March 2023, 31 March 2024 and 31 March 2025; to authorise the issue of sums out of the Consolidated Fund for those years; and to appropriate the supply authorised by this Act for the ye

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 65 0 0

A Bill to make provision for establishing a new government Ministry, the Ministry for Poverty Prevention; to make provision for the objectives and powers of that Ministry; to make provision that the Ministry can only be abolished or combined with another

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-18 72 0 0

Ministry for Poverty Prevention Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-15 66 0 0

Sites of special scientific interest (designation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-15 72 0 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Veterans (Non-custodial Sentences) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-15 76 0 0

Public Sector Websites (Data Charges) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 73 0 0

Bereavement Support (Children and Young People) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 69 0 0

Personal Protective Equipment at Work (Protected Characteristics) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 61 0 0

Public Liability (Compulsory Insurance) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 63 0 0

Nuclear Veterans (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 65 0 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Offences Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 64 0 0

Ministry of Poverty Prevention Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-14 63 0 0

A Bill to make provision to require every school to have access to a qualified mental health professional; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 63 0 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with the making available of information about support available for infants, parents and carers of infants, and prospective parents and carers, including reporting requirements relating to such support.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 63 0 0

A Bill to regulate access to hormone therapy for children under the age of 18; to make provision relating to social transition practices in schools and other settings; to make provision regarding the meaning of the protected characteristic of sex; and for

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 61 0 0

A Bill to make provision for the purpose of enabling certain mortgage borrowers to switch to a new mortgage arrangement; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-13 75 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a Foetal Sentience Committee to review current understanding of the sentience of the human foetus and to inform policy-making; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-12 74 0 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-11 80 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the scrutiny and approval by Parliament of appointments to senior civil service roles; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 92 0 0

A Bill to make provision about mandatory local consultation in relation to the installation of telecommunications infrastructure in residential areas; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 98 0 0

A new Finance Bill is usually presented to Parliament each year; it enacts the proposals for taxation made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer in the Budget statement and brings them into law. This Bill will be published after the House’s decisions on th

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 74 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the status of, and privileges and immunities in connection with, the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and the International Committee of the Red Cross; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 87 0 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with reducing the main rates of primary Class 1 national insurance contributions and Class 4 national insurance contributions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-08 90 0 0

A Bill To Enable the implementation of, and the making of other provision in connection with, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-07 90 0 0

Senior civil service (accountability and appointment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-07 89 0 0

A Bill to create offences of dog abduction and cat abduction and to confer a power to make corresponding provision relating to the abduction of other animals commonly kept as pets.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 84 0 0

A Bill to prohibit the creation and uploading of unauthorised media content relating to prisons.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 85 0 0

A Bill to require landlords in the private rented sector to remedy hazards in leased dwellings; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 100 0 0

A Bill to amend the Crown Estate Act 1961 to increase the maximum term of the lease that may be granted to the Zoological Society of London in respect of land in Regent’s Park.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 89 0 0

A Bill to prohibit practices whose predetermined purpose is to change a person’s sexual orientation or to change a person to or from being transgender; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-06 93 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for ending the need for food banks by 2030; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-05 94 0 0

A Bill to amend the requirements for caravan site licence applications made under the Caravan Sites and Control of Development Act 1960; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-04 86 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the funding of building societies and the assimilation of the law relating to companies and the law relating to building societies.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 93 0 0

A Bill to set a target for the number of glioblastoma patients who take part in clinical trials each year; to require training for medical oncologists to include training relating to brain cancers; to provide that any drug that has been licensed for use o

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 85 0 0

A bill to prohibit the grant or assignment of certain new long residential leases of houses, to amend the rights of tenants under long residential leases to acquire the freeholds of their houses, to extend the leases of their houses or flats, and to colle

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 92 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to undertake and publish a review of the merits of raising the income threshold for the High Income Child Benefit Charge and of reforming the process for declaring income above that threshold; to require the Secret

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 84 0 0

A Bill to increase the minimum required height of guarding in multi-storey car parks; to make provision about the height of guarding in existing multi-storey car parks; to require 24 hour staffing of multi-storey car parks; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 82 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the approval of remuneration paid to local government employees.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 90 0 0

To make provision about licences to search and bore for and get offshore petroleum.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 90 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a right to consular assistance for British citizens abroad in cases where there has been, or where there is a risk of, a breach of human rights, denial of access to legal representation, or torture or other human rights abuses

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 85 0 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Secretary of State to prevent the evictions of Universal Credit claimants in rent arrears; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 95 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a scheme in which graduates of specified university courses may be exempt from requirements to repay a student loan, in full or in part, provided that they are employed in the United Kingdo

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 89 0 0

A Bill to require police officers and certain employees of police forces to declare a membership of or affiliation to certain types of society and organisation; to require such declarations to be accompanied by a statement relating to that membership; and

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 87 0 0

A Bill to make provision about victims of criminal conduct and others affected by criminal conduct; about the appointment and functions of advocates for victims of major incidents; about the release of prisoners; about the membership and functions of the

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 87 0 0

A Bill to allow for certain civil and family court hearings to be conducted remotely.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 85 0 0

A Bill to require employers to allow employees to take time off from work for appointments for fertility treatment; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 85 0 0

A Bill to make provision in connection with the ratification by the United Kingdom of the Agreement under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity of Areas beyond National J

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 88 0 0

A Bill to exempt from VAT supplies of electricity, oil and gas for domestic purposes; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 88 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for ending the need for food banks by 2030; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 93 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the impact of deductions from Universal Credit on levels of destitution among claimants.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 86 0 0

A Bill to create offences in respect of persons who have entered the UK illegally or who have remained in the UK without legal authority; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-03-01 90 0 0

Higher Education (Student Finance and Skills Shortages) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-29 97 0 0

Deductions from Universal Credit (Report) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-27 103 0 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Unauthorised Entry to Football Matches Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-27 104 0 0

Finance Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-26 155 0 0

Broadcasting (Listed Sporting Events) (Scotland) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-22 98 0 0

Family Visas (Minimum Income) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-21 105 0 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Finance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-20 97 0 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-16 77 0 0

State Pension Age (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-09 85 0 0

Social energy tariff Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-08 93 0 0

Support for Infants and Parents etc (Information) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-08 85 0 0

Ministerial Severance (Reform) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-08 87 0 0

A Bill to make provision about shared parental leave and pay in certain cases where a mother has died; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-06 84 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a social tariff for energy.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-05 75 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a referendum on devolution in Wales; to provide that no further such referendum may take place within twenty five years; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-02 93 0 0

Police (declaration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-02 81 0 0

A Bill to make provision to extend the period following the Northern Ireland Assembly election of 5 May 2022 during which Ministers may be appointed.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-01 76 0 0

Autism (early identification) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-02-01 92 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to lay before Parliament an annual report on the allocation of research funding into cancers with the lowest survival rates in the UK, including lung, liver, brain, pancreatic cancer, and certain childhood cancers,

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 84 0 0

A Bill to change the period of life expectancy relevant to certain pension rules.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 86 0 0

A Bill to require providers of electronic communications networks to grant other such providers access to their apparatus where that is necessary to ensure consistent network coverage; to prevent those providers from charging more than the standard market

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 82 0 0

A Bill to place a duty on the Government to ensure that every town with a population of more than 10,000 people has a regular bus service operating seven days a week, and that local health services, including hospitals and GP surgeries, are served by thos

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 70 0 0

A Bill to set minimum service levels for the provision of public transport in rural areas, including for access to sites of employment and education; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 77 0 0

A Bill to create an offence of child criminal exploitation; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 80 0 0

A Bill to make provision requiring local authorities to exercise their functions with a view to improving and promoting regular attendance by registered pupils at schools in their area; and to make provision requiring school proprietors to have an attenda

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 66 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the weapons to which section 141 of the Criminal Justice Act 1988 applies; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 101 0 0

A Bill to make provision about British citizenship in respect of people born in Ireland after 31 December 1948 who are, or have been, resident in Northern Ireland; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 91 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish and implement a Care Workers Employment Strategy, with the aim of improving the recruitment and retention of care workers; to establish an independent National Care Workers Council with responsibility fo

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 78 0 0

A Bill to establish an independent Office of the Whistleblower to protect whistleblowers and whistleblowing in accordance with the public interest; to make provision for the Office of the Whistleblower to set, monitor and enforce standards for the managem

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 73 0 0

A Bill to make provision for an inquiry into the end use of arms sold to foreign states to determine whether they have been used in violation of international law; to immediately suspend the sale of arms to foreign states where it cannot be demonstrated t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 82 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish a strategy for the recruitment and retention of health and social care staff in rural areas; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 82 0 0

A Bill to amend the Licensing Act 2003 so that licensing hours Orders can be made by negative resolution statutory instrument.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 74 0 0

A Bill to provide for a national register of children who are not pupils at any school; to require local authorities to provide data about such children in their area for the purpose of maintaining that register; to make provision about the support that l

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 86 0 0

A Bill to make provision about shared parental leave and pay in certain cases where a mother has died; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 83 0 0

A Bill to make provision about speeding offences on roads to which a 20mph limit applies; to make provision about the enforcement of moving traffic offences; to require 24 hour staffing of works on specified public roads; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 80 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a social tariff for energy.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 69 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the potential merits of prohibiting the making of deductions from certain social security benefits within the first six months of a claim, of restricting the making of deductions in cases

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 72 0 0

A Bill to require local authorities to designate high streets in their area; to require local authorities to undertake and publish periodic reviews of the condition of those high streets; to require local authorities to develop action plans for the improv

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 67 0 0

A Bill to make provision to extend the period following the Northern Ireland Assembly election of 5 May 2022 during which Ministers may be appointed.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-30 74 0 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Compensation Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-29 69 0 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Act 2024

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-29 79 0 0

Road traffic and street works Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-26 92 0 0

Social Energy Tariff Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-26 71 0 0

A Bill to promote the protection and stewardship of heritage trees in England; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 71 0 0

Children Not in School (National Register and Support) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 69 0 0

Northern Ireland (Executive Formation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 77 0 0

Offensive Weapons Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-25 67 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish annual data relating to veterans who are given non-custodial sentences; and for connected purposes.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-24 67 0 0

A Bill to make provision for regulating pedicabs in public places in Greater London; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 83 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish annual data relating to veterans who are given non-custodial sentences; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 66 0 0

A Bill to provide for the payment out of money provided by Parliament of expenditure incurred by the Secretary of State under, or in connection with, schemes or other arrangements to compensate persons affected by the Horizon system and in respect of othe

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 71 0 0

A Bill to promote the protection and stewardship of heritage trees in England; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 85 0 0

A Bill to make provision regarding pets with microchips; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 76 0 0

A Bill to require that every child be offered at least one outdoor education experience during primary school years and at least one such experience during secondary school years; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 70 0 0

A Bill to amend the Accessories and Abettors Act 1861 to provide that only a person who directly commits, or who makes a significant contribution to the commission of, an offence may be held criminally liable.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 95 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of prohibiting scheduled flights from landing or taking off between the hours of 11 pm and 6 am.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 73 0 0

A Bill to establish the right to breathe clean air; to require the Secretary of State to achieve and maintain clean air in England; to involve the UK Health Security Agency in setting and reviewing pollutants and their limits; to enhance the powers, dutie

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 65 0 0

A Bill to make provision for the protection of care recipients and their carers; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 76 0 0

Make provision about the removal of certain migrants to the Republic of Rwanda.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 80 0 0

A Bill to require parliamentary approval for the deployment of UK armed forces for armed conflict; to provide for exemptions from that requirement in cases of emergency or in respect of compliance with treaty obligations; to make provision for retrospecti

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 64 0 0

A Bill to amend the Welfare Reform Act 2012 to provide that a Universal Credit claimant may not be sanctioned for refusing work on a zero hours contract; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 83 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to publish proposals for a compensation scheme for veterans who have experienced ill health as a result of exposure to radiation while on active service.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 75 0 0

A Bill to Prohibit the export of certain livestock from Great Britain for slaughter.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 69 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the approval of remuneration paid to local government employees.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 77 0 0

A Bill to prohibit unpaid trial work periods; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-23 66 0 0

Clean Air (Human Rights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-19 89 0 0

Military Action (Parliamentary Approval) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-18 75 0 0

Unpaid Trial Work Periods (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-18 69 0 0

Airports (Prohibition of Night Flights) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-17 78 0 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Nuclear Veterans (Compensation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-15 78 0 0

Veterans (Non-custodial Sentences) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-15 77 0 0

Scottish Law Officers (Devolution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-12 75 0 0

Schools (Mental Health Professionals) (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-11 78 0 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-10 89 0 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-08 82 0 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Criminal Justice Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2024-01-04 81 0 0

Miners’ Strike (Pardons) Bill, "A Bill to pardon miners convicted of certain offences committed during the 1984–85 miners strike.", Data Protection and Digital Information Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-21 80 0 0

General Medical Council (Fitness to Practise) Rules (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-20 84 0 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-20 80 0 0

Welfare Benefits (Adequacy, Debt and Deductions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-15 78 0 0

Caravan Site Licensing (Exemption of Motor Homes) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 72 0 0

Statutory Instruments Act 1946 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 73 0 0

Commonwealth Parliamentary Association and International Committee of the Red Cross (Status) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 75 0 0

Exemption from Value Added Tax (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 78 0 0

Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 76 0 0

Highways Act 1980 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 78 0 0

Secure 16 to 19 Academies Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 98 0 0

Offences Against the Person Act 1861 (Sentencing Guidelines) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 77 0 0

Arm’s-length Bodies (Accountability to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 79 0 0

Public Transport (Rural Areas) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 85 0 0

Dangerous Dogs (Licensing) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-14 94 0 0

Access to Telecommunications Networks Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 82 0 0

Consular Assistance Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 85 0 0

Dogs (Protection of Livestock) (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 71 0 0

Arms Trade (Inquiry and Suspension) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 83 0 0

Children Not in School (Registers, Support and Orders) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 87 0 0

Multi-Storey Car Parks (Safety) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 83 0 0

Online Services (Cancellation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 86 0 0

Bullying and Respect at Work Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 102 0 0

Prison Media Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 78 0 0

Titles Deprivation Act 1917 Amendment Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 77 0 0

School Attendance (Duties of Local Authorities and Proprietors of Schools) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 77 0 0

Support for Infants Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 81 0 0

Vaccine Damage Payments Act (Review) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 81 0 0

Local Government (Pay Accountability) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 70 0 0

Health and Social Care (Recruitment and Retention of Staff in Rural Areas) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 77 0 0

Groceries Code Adjudicator (Powers and Duties) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 76 0 0

Courts (Remote Hearings) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 91 0 0

Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biological Diversity (Ratification of Treaty) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 78 0 0

Cancer Research Funding (Report to Parliament) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 79 0 0

Water Quality Monitoring Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 86 0 0

Landlord and Tenant Act 1985 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-13 79 0 0

Still-Birth (Definition) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-12 95 0 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Public Procurement (British Goods and Services) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-11 63 0 0

Joint Enterprise (Significant Contribution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-11 85 0 0

Licensing Hours Extensions Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 86 0 0

Safety of Rwanda (Asylum and Immigration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 87 0 0

Pet Abduction Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 72 0 0

Greater London Low Emission Zone Charging (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 82 0 0

British Citizenship (Northern Ireland) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 81 0 0

Animal Welfare (Import of Dogs, Cats and Ferrets) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 70 0 0

Public Procurement (British Goods and Services) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 84 0 0

Pensions (Special Rules for End of Life) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 77 0 0

Off-Road Vehicles (Registration) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 75 0 0

Unauthorised Entry to Football Matches Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 79 0 0

Abortion (Gestational Time Limit Reduction) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 78 0 0

Health and Equality Acts (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 90 0 0

Community and Suspended Sentences (Notification of Details) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 77 0 0

Strategic Litigation Against Public Participation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 83 0 0

Building Societies Act 1986 (Amendment) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 77 0 0

Conversion Practices (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 82 0 0

Space Industry (Indemnities) Bill, "A Bill to require operator licences authorising the carrying out of spaceflight activities to specify the licensees indemnity limit.", Joint Enterprise (Significant Contribution) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 73 0 0

High Streets (Designation, Review and Improvement Plan) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-08 76 0 0

Disestablishment of the Church of England Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-07 90 0 0

Heritage Trees Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-06 80 0 0

Animal Welfare (Livestock Exports) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-05 78 0 0

Wheelchair Access Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-05 86 0 0

Ecocide Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-12-01 81 0 0

Post Office (Horizon System) Compensation Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 79 0 0

At-Home Early Medical Abortion (Review) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 80 0 0

Asylum Application (Entry to the United Kingdom) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 85 0 0

Housing Act 1988 (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-30 95 0 0

A Bill to amend the law regarding succession to peerages and baronetcies; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 78 0 0

A Bill to make provision for certain employers to be required to publish information about differences in pay between people from prescribed ethnic backgrounds; and connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 83 0 0

A Bill to prohibit sexual orientation and gender identity conversion therapy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 84 0 0

A Bill to amend the Alternative Investment Fund Managers Regulations 2013 to remove Listed Investment Companies from Alternative Investment Fund designation; to make related changes to other relevant legislation; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 69 0 0

A Bill to make provision for the regulation of Artificial Intelligence; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 80 0 0

A Bill to make provision to require every school to have access to a qualified mental health professional; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 70 0 0

To amend the Arbitration Act 1996.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 88 0 0

A Bill To Amend the rights of tenants under long residential leases to acquire the freeholds of their houses, to extend the leases of their houses or flats, and to collectively enfranchise or manage the buildings containing their flats, to give such tenan

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 72 0 0

A Bill to make provision for and in connection with reducing the main rates of primary Class 1 national insurance contributions and Class 4 national insurance contributions, and removing the requirement to pay Class 2 national insurance contributions.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 75 0 0

This Bill will be published after the House’s decisions on the Ways and Means Resolutions which must be approved by the House of Commons. There are three days of debate scheduled on these resolutions, which are published on these pages. Debate will conc

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 83 0 0

Commercial Organisations and Public Authorities Duty (Human Rights and Environment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 97 0 0

A Bill to amend the Housing Act 1988 so that long leases of residential dwellings are not deemed to be assured tenancies for the purposes of that Act; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 73 0 0

A Bill to amend the law relating to workplace information and consultation, employment protection and trade union rights to provide safeguards for workers against dismissal and re-engagement on inferior terms and conditions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 78 0 0

A Bill to make provision about prevention of and response to genocide and other atrocity crimes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 85 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a Foetal Sentience Committee to review current understanding of the sentience of the human foetus and to inform policy-making; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-29 79 0 0

Leasehold and Freehold Reform Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-28 82 0 0

Foetal Sentience Committee Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-28 91 0 0

Schools (Mental Health Professionals) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-28 75 0 0

National Insurance Contributions (Reduction in Rates) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-24 72 0 0

Genocide (Prevention and Response) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-24 88 0 0

Workforce Information (Ethnicity) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-24 82 0 0

Artificial Intelligence (Regulation) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-23 80 0 0

Alternative Investment Fund Designation Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-23 92 0 0

Arbitration Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-22 86 0 0

Housing Act 1998 (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-22 92 0 0

Succession to Peerages and Baronetcies Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-21 83 0 0

Conversion Therapy Prohibition (Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-21 81 0 0

A Bill to make provision to prevent public bodies from being influenced by political or moral disapproval of foreign states when taking certain economic decisions, subject to certain exceptions; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 61 0 0

A Bill to regulate the use of automated vehicles on roads and in other public places; and to make other provision in relation to vehicle automation.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 64 0 0

A Bill To Enable the implementation of, and the making of other provision in connection with, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 65 0 0

A Bill to Make provision about public service television; about the sustainability of, and programme-making by, C4C; about the name, remit, powers, governance and audit of S4C; about the regulation of television selection services; about the regulation of

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 62 0 0

A Bill To amend the criminal law; to make provision about criminal justice (including the powers and duties of the police) and about dealing with offenders; to make provision about confiscation and the use of monies in suspended accounts; to make other pr

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 70 0 0

A Bill to make provision about victims of criminal conduct and others affected by criminal conduct; about the appointment and functions of individuals to act as independent public advocates for victims of major incidents; about the release of prisoners; a

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 67 0 0

A Bill to amend the Investigatory Powers Act 2016; to make provision about information supplied by, or relating to, the Judicial Commissioners; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 62 0 0

To make provision about licences to search and bore for and get offshore petroleum.]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 71 0 0

A Bill to make provision about the sentencing of offenders convicted of murder or sexual offences; to make provision about the suspension of custodial sentences; to make provision about the release of offenders, including provision about release on licenc

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-17 65 0 0

Criminal Justice Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-15 86 0 0

Sentencing Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-15 73 0 0

Automated Vehicles Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 80 0 0

Pedicabs (London) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 70 0 0

Investigatory Powers (Amendment) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 76 0 0

Trade (Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership) Bill HL]

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 66 0 0

Offshore Petroleum Licensing Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 84 0 0

Media Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-09 93 0 0

Recognition of Armenian Genocide Bill, "A Bill to require Her Majestys Government formally to recognise the Armenian genocide of 1915–23; and for connected purposes.", Puppy Import (Prohibition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 62 0 0

Republic of Somaliland (Recognition) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 72 0 0

Public office (child sexual abuse) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 76 0 0

Thames Water (Public Benefit Corporation) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-03 86 0 0

Electronic Cigarettes (Branding, Promotion and Advertising) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-02 72 0 0

Dartmoor National Park (Access) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-11-01 84 0 0

A Bill to require local authorities to publish a register of derelict buildings in their area; to make provision in respect of the preparation and maintenance of such registers; and for connected purposes., "Bishops Stortford Cemetery Bill HL]", "A Bill t

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 68 0 0

A Bill to require the Secretary of State to report to Parliament on the merits of reinstating the Access to Elected Office Fund.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 64 0 0

A Bill to make provision for local authorities to conduct annual audits of air pollution in their area and associated emissions by public and private entities; to require those local authorities to prepare reports on those audits; to require the Secretary

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 59 0 0

A Bill to amend the Animal Welfare Act 2006 to require a person in charge of a dog to take all reasonable steps to ensure that that dog does not fatally injure another dog; and for connected purposes

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-31 72 0 0

Online Safety Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 65 0 0

Energy Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 76 0 0

A Bill to Require the United Kingdom to achieve climate and nature targets; to give the Secretary of State a duty to implement a strategy to achieve those targets; to establish a Climate and Nature Assembly to advise the Secretary of State in creating tha

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 55 0 0

Procurement Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 70 0 0

Register of Derelict Buildings Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 78 0 0

A Bill to require the Prime Minister to appoint a Special Envoy for International Freedom of Religion or Belief; to establish an Office of the Special Envoy; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 65 0 0

Non-Domestic Rating Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 90 0 0

A Bill to prohibit Ministers of the Crown from making or implementing any legal instrument which is not consistent with the sovereignty of the United Kingdom Parliament, unless it has been approved by a referendum; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 62 0 0

A Bill to make provision for a referendum on devolution in Wales; to provide that no further such referendum may take place within twenty five years; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 74 0 0

Levelling-up and Regeneration Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 83 0 0

Worker Protection (Amendment of Equality Act 2010) Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 68 0 0

Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency Act 2023

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-27 66 0 0

Parliamentary Sovereignty (Referendums) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-26 85 0 0

Climate and Ecology (No. 2) Bill

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-25 90 0 0

A Bill to prohibit the import of puppies under six months; to prohibit the import of pregnant dogs in specified circumstances; to prohibit the import of dogs with cropped ears or docked tails; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-24 70 0 0

A Bill to reduce the duty charged on renewable liquid heating fuel; to provide for the imposition of obligations on suppliers of heating fuel in relation to the supply of renewable fuel; and for connected purposes.

UK Parliament United Kingdom 2023-10-24 70 0 0

Supports for Survivors of Residential Institutional Abuse Bill 2024 (Bill 28 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-23 9 0

Copyright and Related Rights (Amendment) (Web Archive) Bill 2024 (Bill 27 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-19 13 0 0

Civil Registration (Electronic Registration) Bill 2024 (Bill 26 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-19 15 0 0

Commission on the Future of the Family Farm Bill 2024 (Bill 25 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-18 14 0 0

Fair Procedures in the Administration of Justice Bill 2024 (Bill 24 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-18 16 0 0

Safety, Health and Welfare at Work (Formaldehyde) Bill 2024 (Bill 23 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-15 23 0 0

Automatic Enrolment Retirement Savings System Bill 2024 (Bill 22 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-04-08 27 0 0

Future Ireland Fund and Infrastructure, Climate and Nature Fund Bill 2024 (Bill 21 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-26 65 0 0

Maternity Protection (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 20 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-22 67 0 0

Control of Dogs (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 19 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-22 65 0 0

Microenterprise Loan Fund (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 18 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-12 96 0 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) (Sex for Rent) Bill 2024 (Bill 17 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-08 102 0 0

Fossil Fuel Products (Control of Advertising and Sponsorship) Bill 2024 (Bill 16 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-08 88 0 0

Children’s Health (Kathleen Lynn National Children's Hospital) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 15 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-08 85 0 0

Improved Rail Passenger Rights with Compensation for Delays and Cancellations Bill 2024 (Bill 12 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-07 117 0 0

Law Reform (Contracts) Bill 2024 (Bill 13 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-07 109 0 0

Prohibition of Fossil Fuel Advertising Bill 2024 (Bill 14 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-07 111 0 0

Air Navigation and Transport (Arms Embargo) Bill 2024 (Bill 10 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-01 107 0 0

Electoral (Home Addresses of Candidates) Bill 2024 (Bill 11 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-03-01 114 0 0

Residential Tenancies (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 8 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-29 109 0 0

Broadcasting (Oversight of RTÉ Accounts) (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 9 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-29 111 0 0

Coroners (Amendment) Act 2024 (Act 4 of 2024)Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 3 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-23 120 0 0

Forty-first Amendment of the Constitution (Agreement on a Unified Patent Court) Bill 2024 (Bill 7 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-16 98 0 0

Research and Innovation Bill 2024 (Bill 1 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-09 98 0 0

Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2024 (Bill 5 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-02-01 79 0 0

Road Traffic Bill 2024 (Bill 4 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-26 83 0 0

Coroners (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 3 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-25 93 0 0

Domestic Violence (Amendment) Bill 2024 (Bill 2 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-24 88 0 0

Research and Innovation Bill 2023 (Bill 1 of 2024)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2024-01-09 88 0 0

Electoral (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 40 of 2023)Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 77 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-29 100 0 0

Finance (No. 2) Act 2023 (Act 39 of 2023)Finance (No. 2) Bill 2023 (Bill 70 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-29 82 0 0

Charities (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 98 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-25 98 0 0

Appropriation Act 2023 (Act 38 of 2023)Appropriation Bill 2023 (Bill 90 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-22 96 0 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Act 2023 (Act 36 of 2023)Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 79 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-22 99 0 0

Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Act 2023 (Act 35 of 2023)Public Health (Tobacco Products and Nicotine Inhaling Products) Bill 2023 (Bill 48 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-21 98 0 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 2023 (Act 37 of 2023)Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023 (Bill 82 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-21 86 0 0

Financial Services and Pensions Ombudsman (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 97 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-20 97 0 0

Local Government (Mayor of Limerick) and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023 (Bill 63 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-19 106 0 0

Social Welfare (Liable Relatives and Child Maintenance) Bill 2023 (Bill 96 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-19 90 0 0

Gender Recognition (Amendment) (Prisons) Bill 2023 (Bill 95 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-18 83 0 0

Special Measures in the Public Interest (Derrybrien Wind Farm) Bill 2023 (Bill 94 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-18 101 0 0

Criminal Justice (Promotion of Restorative Justice) (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 93 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-15 95 0 0

Fortieth Amendment of the Constitution (Care) Bill 2023 (Bill 92 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-12 83 0 0

Thirty-ninth Amendment of the Constitution (The Family) Bill 2023 (Bill 91 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-12 84 0 0

Appropriation Bill 2023 (Bill 90 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-07 106 0 0

Digital Services Bill 2023 (Bill 89 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-06 101 0 0

Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Act 2023 (Act 31 of 2023)Domestic, Sexual and Gender-Based Violence Agency Bill 2023 (Bill 67 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-04 91 0 0

Children (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 87 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-01 99 0 0

Misuse of Drugs (Amendment) (Control of Nitrous Oxide) Bill 2023 (Bill 88 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-12-01 87 0 0

Residential Tenancies (Deferment of Termination Dates of Certain Tenancies) (No. 2) Bill 2023 (Bill 86 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-30 95 0 0

Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Cap on Market Revenues) Act 2023 (Act 30 of 2023)Energy (Windfall Gains in the Energy Sector) (Cap on Market Revenues) Bill 2023 (Bill 65 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-29 95 0 0

The Royal Hibernian Academy (Amendment of Charter) Bill 2023 (Bill 85 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-27 95 0 0

Mental Health (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 83 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 91 0 0

Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Act 2023 (Act 29 of 2023)Electricity Costs (Emergency Measures) Domestic Accounts Bill 2023 (Bill 71 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 82 0 0

Capital Supply Service and Purpose Report Bill 2023 (Bill 84 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 94 0 0

Planning and Development Bill 2023 (Bill 81 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 92 0 0

Social Welfare (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 2023 (Bill 82 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 96 0 0

Civil Legal Aid (Neighbours’ Dispute Mediation Services) Bill 2023 (Bill 80 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-24 88 0 0

Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 79 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-17 81 0 0

Control of Exports Act 2023 (Act 27 of 2023)Control of Exports Bill 2023 (Bill 38 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-10 80 0 0

Local Government (Community Gardens) Bill 2023 (Bill 78 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-09 86 0 0

Electoral (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 77 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-11-08 89 0 0

Employment (Collective Redundancies and Miscellaneous Provisions) and Companies (Amendment) Bill 2023 (Bill 76 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-30 82 0 0

Developer Profits Transparency Bill 2023 (Bill 75 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-27 77 0 0

Anaerobic Digestion (National Strategy) Bill 2023 (Bill 74 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-27 88 0 0

Competition and Consumer Protection (Unfair Prices) Bill 2023 (Bill 73 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-26 81 0 0

Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Act 2023 (Act 26 of 2023)Historic and Archaeological Heritage and Miscellaneous Provisions Bill 2023 (Bill 2 of 2023)

Oire Achtas Ireland 2023-10-26 77 0 0

H.R.8038 118th] - 21st Century Peace through Strength Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 8 0 0

H.Res.1160 118th] - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 8034) making emergency supplemental appropriations to respond to the situation in Israel and for related expenses for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes; prov

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 10 0 0

H.R.4639 118th] - Fourth Amendment Is Not For Sale Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 8 0 0

H.R.3602 118th] - Transnational Criminal Organization Illicit Spotter Prevention and Elimination Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 10 0 0

H.R.8036 118th] - Indo-Pacific Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 10 0 0

H.R.8034 118th] - Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 9 0 0

H.R.8035 118th] - Ukraine Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-22 11 0 0

H.R.7888 118th] - Reforming Intelligence and Securing America Act

United States Congress United States 2024-04-15 21 0 0

H.R.6611 118th] - FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-04-15 28 0 0

H.R.1323 118th] - LEO Fair Retirement Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-04-09 26 0 0

S.1693 115th] - Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act of 2017

United States Congress United States 2024-04-09 23 0 0

H.R.5074 118th] - Kidney PATIENT Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-04-08 31 0 0

H.R.2882 118th] - Further Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-04-08 29 0 0

H.R.231 118th] - Terminate TikTok on Campus Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 81 0 0

S.686 118th] - RESTRICT Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 74 0 0

S.1143 117th] - No TikTok on Government Devices Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 70 0 0

H.R.1332 118th] - Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-18 69 0 0

S.2747 117th] - Freedom to Vote Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-11 82 0 0

H.R.7511 118th] - Laken Riley Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-11 85 0 0

H.R.7521 118th] - Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-11 74 0 0

H.R.7463 118th] - Extension of Continuing Appropriations and Other Matters Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-03-05 101 0 0

H.R.1011 117th] - Life at Conception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-03-05 122 0 0

H.R.815 118th] - National Security Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-02-26 123 0 0

H.R.431 118th] - Life at Conception Act

United States Congress United States 2024-02-26 122 0 0

S.1409 118th] - Kids Online Safety Act

United States Congress United States 2024-02-26 129 0 0

H.R.7085 118th] - To prohibit contracting with certain biotechnology providers, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-02-05 96 0 0

H.R.6981 118th] - Preventing Private Paramilitary Activity Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-02-05 96 0 0

S.3558 118th] - A bill to prohibit contracting with certain biotechnology providers, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-29 95 0 0

H.R.2872 118th] - Further Additional Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-01-29 103 0 0

H.R.2872 118th] - Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 90 0 0

S.Res.504 118th] - A resolution requesting information on Israel’s human rights practices pursuant to section 502B(c) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 80 0 0

H.Res.956 118th] - Expressing the great contributions to American society by Indian-American communities and the graduates of the Indian Institutes of Technology in the United States.

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 92 0 0

H.R.7024 118th] - Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024

United States Congress United States 2024-01-22 98 0 0

S.1271 118th] - FEND Off Fentanyl Act

United States Congress United States 2024-01-16 103 0 0

H.R.3832 118th] - Disease X Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2024-01-16 111 0 0

H.R.467 118th] - HALT Fentanyl Act

United States Congress United States 2024-01-16 105 0 0

H.R.941 117th] - TRANSPLANT Act of 2021

United States Congress United States 2024-01-08 92 0 0

H.R.3266 118th] - Peace and Tolerance in Palestinian Education Act

United States Congress United States 2024-01-08 95 0 0

H.R.3016 118th] - IGO Anti-Boycott Act

United States Congress United States 2023-12-27 95 0 0

H.R.2 118th] - Secure the Border Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-27 97 0 0

H.R.5378 118th] - Lower Costs, More Transparency Act

United States Congress United States 2023-12-19 99 0 0

H.R.1147 118th] - Whole Milk for Healthy Kids Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-19 98 0 0

H.R.6542 118th] - To amend the Immigration and Nationality Act to eliminate the per-country numerical limitation for employment-based immigrants, to increase the per-country numerical limitation for family sponsored immigrants, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 81 0 0

H.Res.894 118th] - Strongly condemning and denouncing the drastic rise of antisemitism in the United States and around the world.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 79 0 0

S.2226 118th] - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 96 0 0

H.R.4468 118th] - Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-12 95 0 0

H.R.5961 118th] - No Funds for Iranian Terrorism Act

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 93 0 0

H.Res.888 118th] - Reaffirming the State of Israel’s right to exist.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 96 0 0

S.J.Res.32 118th] - A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection relating to “Small Business Lending Under the Equal Credi

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 89 0 0

H.R.5283 118th] - Protecting our Communities from Failure to Secure the Border Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 88 0 0

H.Res.878 118th] - Providing for the expulsion of Representative George Santos from the United States House of Representatives.

United States Congress United States 2023-12-05 94 0 0

S.3205 118th] - Federal Artificial Intelligence Risk Management Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-11-28 115 0 0

H.R.1636 117th] - Postal Vehicle Modernization Act

United States Congress United States 2023-11-28 101 0 0

S.3291 118th] - EAGLE Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 104 0 0

H.Res.864 118th] - Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5894) making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 66 0 0

H.R.5894 118th] - Making appropriations for the Departments of Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education, and related agencies for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 76 0 0

H.R.6363 118th] - Further Continuing Appropriations and Other Extensions Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-20 81 0 0

H.R.4664 118th] - Making appropriations for financial services and general government for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2024, and for other purposes.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-15 79 0 0

H.R.4820 118th] - Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-15 76 0 0

H.Res.845 118th] - Censuring Representative Rashida Tlaib for promoting false narratives regarding the October 7, 2023, Hamas attack on Israel and for calling for the destruction of the state of Israel.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-15 70 0 0

H.Res.798 118th] - Condemning the support of Hamas, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations at institutions of higher education, which may lead to the creation of a hostile environment for Jewish students, faculty, and staff.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 67 0 0

H.Res.559 118th] - Declaring it is the policy of the United States that a nuclear Islamic Republic of Iran is not acceptable.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 85 0 0

H.R.6126 118th] - Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 93 0 0

H.Res.773 118th] - Providing for the expulsion of Representative George Santos from the House of Representatives.

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 80 0 0

H.R.4821 118th] - Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-11-07 85 0 0

H.Res.786 118th] - Calling for an immediate deescalation and cease-fire in Israel and occupied Palestine.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 79 0 0

S.J.Res.42 118th] - A joint resolution providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Food and Nutrition Service relating to “Application of Bostock v. Clayton County to Program Discr

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 79 0 0

H.Res.771 118th] - Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 76 0 0

H.R.4394 118th] - Energy and Water Development and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 2024

United States Congress United States 2023-10-31 89 0 0

S.452 118th] - Nuclear Fuel Security Act of 2023

United States Congress United States 2023-10-24 85 0 0

H.R.1042 118th] - Prohibiting Russian Uranium Imports Act

United States Congress United States 2023-10-24 86 0 0

Representantforslag om å fjerne subsidiene over statsbudsjettet til selfangst

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-19 11 0 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot engangsgrill

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 25 0 0

Representantforslag om å forebygge, dokumentere og slå ned på lønnstyveri, og hjelpe ofrene for arbeidslivskriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 21 0 0

Representantforslag om forslag til medlemskapsavtale som legges fram for folkeavstemning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 23 0 0

Representantforslag om en bedre praksis for gravide kvinners møte med helsevesenet og praksis for innvilgelse av planlagt keisersnitt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 21 0 0

Representantforslag om å forhindre et folkemord på Gazastripen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 39 0 0

Representantforslag om en bærekraftig reindriftsforvaltning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 20 0 0

Representantforslag om en mer sirkulær byggenæring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 26 0 0

Representantforslag om å bygge opp systemet for restaurering av natur og dyreliv i Norge i tråd med målsettingene i naturavtalen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 23 0 0

Representantforslag om utfasing av torv i hagejord

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 22 0 0

Representantforslag om å legge ned veto mot EUs fjerde energimarkedspakke

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 17 0 0

Representantforslag om å endre utlånsforskriften for å hjelpe flere førstegangskjøpere inn på boligmarkedet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 24 0 0

Representantforslag om å la arbeidsfolk beholde mer av verdiene de skaper

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 19 0 0

Representantforslag om å bevare og restaurere økosystemet i Oslofjorden

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-11 23 0 0

Representantforslag om bedre rammevilkår for oppstartsbedrifter og investeringer i teknologi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 22 0 0

Representantforslag om å stanse nedleggelsen av rusbehandlingsenheten ved Tronvik

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 22 0 0

Representantforslag om nattog til København

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 18 0 0

Representantforslag om å styrke yrkesfagopplæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 26 0 0

Representantforslag om trygge barnehager og skoler

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 24 0 0

Representantforslag om å føre økonomisk tilsyn med kommersielle barnehagekjeder på konsernnivå

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 21 0 0

Representantforslag om å reservere anbud for ideelle aktører

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-10 18 0 0

Representantforslag om kinesisk nedsalg i TikTok

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 36 0 0

Representantforslag om bedre rammebetingelser for veteran- og entusiastkjøretøy

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 25 0 0

Representantforslag om gransking av Birgitte Tengs-saken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 30 0 0

Representantforslag om å prioritere kraften strengere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 27 0 0

Representantforslag om kjernekraft i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 28 0 0

Representantforslag om å tette skattehull

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-04-08 27 0 0

Representantforslag om innreise fra palestinere på Gaza med tilknytning til Norge behandles på humanitært grunnlag

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-25 59 0 0

Representantforslag om mer landbasert mineralutvinning og sirkulærøkonomi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 59 0 0

Representantforslag om å etablere en nasjonal sikkerhetsstrategi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 64 0 0

Representantforslag om å stille alle utvisningssaker der barn er involvert, i bero

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 62 0 0

Representantforslag om stans av nye hyttefelt

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 73 0 0

Representantforslag om å evaluere og styrke voldserstatningsordningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 64 0 0

Representantforslag om å ta bedre vare på matjorda

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 70 0 0

Representantforslag om innreise fra folk på Gaza med tilknytning til Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 54 0 0

Representantforslag om å trekke Statens pensjonsfond utland ut av selskaper som bidrar til å opprettholde ulovlige israelske bosettinger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-22 68 0 0

Representantforslag om å redusere bompengebelastningen i Ryfast

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-21 68 0 0

Representantforslag om krav til erstatningskraft for elektrifisering av petroleumsinstallasjoner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-21 65 0 0

Representantforslag om å innføre et nasjonalt forbud mot privat bruk av fyrverkeri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 70 0 0

Representantforslag om innføring av et årlig mål for reduksjon av avskoging i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 61 0 0

Representantforslag om å stille alle utvisningssaker der barn er involvert i bero

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 68 0 0

Representantforslag om en uavhengig granskning av Fosen-saken

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-20 61 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Hege Bae Nyholt, Kathy Lie og Olaug Vervik Bollestad om å innføra nettpornofilter på offentlege og kommunalt eigde nettverk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-19 57 0 0

Representantforslag om nnføring av et årlig mål for reduksjon av avskoging i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-18 71 0 0

Representantforslag om en ferdigbehandling av Nasjonal ramme for vindkraft

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-18 60 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Hege Bae Nyholt, Kathy Lie og Olaug Vervik Bollestad å innføra nettpornofilter på offentlege og kommunalt eigde nettverk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-18 62 0 0

Representantforslag om å styrke nettolønnsordningen for sjøfolk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-15 63 0 0

Representantforslag om deltakelse i EU-kommisjonens European Industrial Alliance on Small Modular Reactors (SMRs)

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-11 81 0 0

Representantforslag omsorgssektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-11 85 0 0

Representantforslag om konsesjon på datasentre

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-11 79 0 0

Representantforslag om en tiltakspakke for å ruste norske kommuner i integreringsarbeidet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 83 0 0

Representantforslag om deltakelse i EU-kommisjonens European Industrial SMR Alliance

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 95 0 0

Representantforslag om å gi kommunene mulighet til å forby fyrverkeri

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 87 0 0

Representantforslag om konsesjon på datasenter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 101 0 0

Representantforslag omsorgsektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-08 91 0 0

Representantforslag om videreutvikling av veireformen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-07 92 0 0

Representantforslag om tiltakspakke for å ruste norske kommuner i integreringsarbeidet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-07 82 0 0

Representantforslag om å innføre inkluderingsmål i statlig og kommunalt arbeidsliv

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-07 80 0 0

Representantforslag om å ta tilbake kontrollen over leiemarkedet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-06 85 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre uavhengige utredninger av naturverdier og naturpåvirkning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-06 85 0 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre sykehusene til bedre arbeidsgivere

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-06 98 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at norsk kommersielt skogbruk bidrar til å nå målene i naturavtalen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-01 84 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Birgit Oline Kjerstad, Marian Hussein og Andreas Sjalg Unneland om reell rett til gjenforeining med familie i Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-01 95 0 0

Representantforslag om å gjøre det straffbart med besittelse og deling av overgrepsmateriale mot dyr

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-03-01 98 0 0

Representantforslag om å styrke kampen mot antisemittisme

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-29 117 0 0

Representantforslag om konkrete tiltak mot æreskriminalitet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-29 101 0 0

Representantforslag om spesialisthelsetjenestene i Alta og stoppe nedbyggingen av dagkirurgi-tilbudet ved Klinikk Alta

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-28 99 0 0

Representantforslag om en langtidsplan for Norges digitale infrastruktur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-28 94 0 0

Representantforslag om endringer i markedsregulatorordningene i landbruket for å bidra til et rettferdig system som både sikrer produksjonsgrunnlag og sunn konkurranse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-19 106 0 0

Representantforslag om et lærebokløft og mindre og bedre regulert skjermbruk i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-16 94 0 0

Representantforslag om å øke bestandsmålene for ulv, jerv og gaupe

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-15 90 0 0

Representantforslag om endringer i markedsregulatorordningene i landbruket, for å bidra et rettferdig system som både sikrer produksjonsgrunnlag og sunn konkurranse

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-15 100 0 0

Representantforslag om utbedring av Veibustkrysset på E39

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-14 82 0 0

Representantforslag om å gi flere mulighet til å få barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-12 86 0 0

Representantforslag Ane Breivik, Abid Raja, Grunde Almeland, Ingvild Wetrhus Thorsvik, Guri Melby, André N. Skjelstad og Alfred Jens Bjørlo om å gi flere mulighet til å få barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 103 0 0

Representantforslag om forbud mot hawala-virksomhet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 81 0 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av psykiatrigrupper i flere politidistrikter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 79 0 0

Representantforslag omstilling av en oppdrettsnæring i krise

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 78 0 0

Representantforslag om revisjon av Norges dronestrategi

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-09 93 0 0

Representantforslag om mulighet for utestengelse av Israel fra Eurovision Song Contest

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-07 93 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre valgfrihet og kvalitet i rusbehandling

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-07 75 0 0

Representantforslag om å nedsette en æreskriminalitetskommisjon

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-02 81 0 0

Representantforslag om endringer i jernbanereformen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-01 76 0 0

Representantforslag om umiddelbar økning i finansieringen av politiet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-02-01 73 0 0

Representantforslag om bynasjonalparker

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-31 88 0 0

Representantforslag om tilbakekall av oppholdstillatelse og statsborgerskap

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-22 71 0 0

Representantforslag om utslippskrav til kjøretøy ved offentlig anskaffelse til veitransport

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 81 0 0

Representantforslag om en ny arealpolitikk for å stanse nedbygging av norsk natur

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 85 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre krigsseilerne en verdig alderdom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 76 0 0

Representantforslag om foreldelse av fordringer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 75 0 0

Representantforslag om bedre forebygging og bekjempelse av vold mot og drap av kvinner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-19 77 0 0

Representantforslag om fullfinansiering av statlig påførte utgifter til kommunene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-18 79 0 0

Representantforslag om sikre krigsseilerne en verdig alderdom

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-18 74 0 0

Representantforslag om en rausere pleiepengeordning

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-18 77 0 0

Representantforslag om å oppheve godkjenning av endret veinormal

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-11 75 0 0

Representantforslag om fritak for skatt på egenprodusert strøm til eget forbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-08 79 0 0

Representantforslag om Fritak for skatt på egenprodusert strøm til eget forbruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2024-01-05 77 0 0

Representantforslag om ytterligere tiltak for å bekjempe vold og trusler i norsk skole

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 72 0 0

Representantforslag om å styrke logopeddekningen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 77 0 0

Representantforslag om å prisjustere dagens alternativkostnad

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 83 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre at Statens pensjonsfond utland trekker sine investeringer ut av selskaper som bryter grunnleggende arbeidstakerrettigheter

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-21 80 0 0

Representantforslag om en uavhengig og helhetlig evaluering av Norges engasjement i Afghanistan

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-20 71 0 0

Representantforslag om vern av naturskog og gammelskog

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-20 70 0 0

Representantforslag om å styrke tolketjenesten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-18 78 0 0

Representantforslag om å forlenge permitteringsperioden og holde byggeaktiviteten oppe for å beholde fagarbeidere i byggenæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-18 60 0 0

Representantforslag Mímir Kristjánsson, Sofie Marhaug, Tobias Drevland Lund og Geir Jørgensen om å forlenge permitteringsperioden og holde byggeaktiviteten oppe for å beholde fagarbeidere i byggenæringen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-15 79 0 0

Representantforslag om å styrke rettssikkerheten til barn i konflikt med loven

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-15 76 0 0

Representantforslag om å stenge ned oljefeltene Brage, Statfjord, Ula og Draugen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-15 69 0 0

Representantforslag om opprettelse av asylmottak i tredjeland

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-13 74 0 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å forberede Norge på en mulig flyktningkrise

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-13 80 0 0

Representantforslag om forutsigbarhet for frivilligheten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-11 74 0 0

Representantforslag om en norsk antikorrupsjonsetat

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-06 78 0 0

Representantforslag om å stoppe veksten av private helseforsikringer og unngå amerikanisering av helsevesenet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-06 93 0 0

Representantforslag om å stanse videre innføring av Helseplattformen og vurdere andre alternativer der den er tatt i bruk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-05 83 0 0

Representantforslag om bedring av arbeidsvilkår i luftfarten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-12-01 79 0 0

Representantforslag om straffetiltak mot Israels folkerettsbrudd og menneskerettighetsbrudd på Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-29 87 0 0

Representantforslag om reell tilgang på høyere utdanning for studenter med funksjonshindring

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-29 79 0 0

Representantforslag om anerkjennelse av Den islamske statens angrep på jesidiene som et folkemord og norsk støtte til rehabilitering av de overlevende ofrene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-29 72 0 0

Representantforslag om Norges neste steg for kunstig intelligens

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 73 0 0

Representantforslag om et flerårig program for støtte til humanitær hjelp og gjenoppbygging av Palestina

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 73 0 0

Representantforslag om å innføre sorgpermisjon for foreldre som har mistet barn

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 74 0 0

Representantforslag om å ikke ha bedre ytelser for flyktninger i Norge enn i Danmark og Sverige

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-24 77 0 0

Representantforslag om økt åpenhet, mer brukerinvolvering og strenge krav til ansattes lønns- og arbeidsvilkår i de offentlig finansierte velferdstjenestene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-23 75 0 0

Representantforslag om trygge boliger for alle

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-23 74 0 0

Representantforslag om humanitær innsats for å evakuere skadde barn på Gazastripen og tilby dem helsehjelp

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-23 71 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Kirsti Bergstø, Marian Hussein og Torgeir Knag Fylkesnes om ei sanksjonspakke mot Israels folkerettsstridige krig mot Gaza

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-17 63 0 0

Representantforslag omstilling til lavutslippssamfunnet

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-16 62 0 0

Representantforslag om at ny sykehusstruktur i Helse Nord vedtas av Stortinget

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-16 66 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Kathy Lie, Lars Haltbrekken, Kari Elisabeth Kaski, Grete Wold og Birgit Oline Kjerstad om ein tiltakspakke for einslege mindreårige asylsøkjarar

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-16 60 0 0

Representantforslag om mer fleksible og fremtidsrettede arbeidstidsordninger

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 52 0 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for lavere gebyrer innen vann- og avløpssektoren

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 63 0 0

Representantforslag om å redusere søppeleksporten

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 67 0 0

Representantforslag om tiltak for å bedre helsen til oppdrettsfisk

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-10 66 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre bedre betingelser for næringsliv i statsallmenningene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-09 68 0 0

Representantforslag om en ny handlingsplan mot antisemittisme

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-09 67 0 0

Representantforslag om bekjempelse av transnasjonal undertrykkelse av eritreere i Norge

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-11-08 67 0 0

Representantforslag om å sikre beredskap og driftsstabilitet på norsk jernbane

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-27 58 0 0

Representantforslag frå stortingsrepresentantane Ingrid Fiskaa, Marian Hussein, Andreas Sjalg Unneland og Kirsti Bergstø om norsk støtte til etterforsking av krigsbrotsverk på Gaza, Vestbreidda og i Israel

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-27 55 0 0

Representantforslag om ivaretakelse av veteraner

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 56 0 0

Representantforslag om effektivisering av bilstøtteordningen i Nav

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 56 0 0

Representantforslag om å innføre mobilforbud i skolen

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 60 0 0

Representantforslag om stans i mottak av kvoteflyktninger så lenge krigen i Ukraina vedvarer

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-26 58 0 0

Representantforslag om styrking av bemanningsnormen i barnehagene

Stortinget Norge Norway 2023-10-25 63 0 0

An Act respecting the establishment and award of a Special Service Medal for Domestic Emergency Relief Operations

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-25 64 0 0

An Act to amend the National Defence Act and other Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-22 83 0 0

An Act for granting to His Majesty certain sums of money for the federal public administration for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2025

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-22 63 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-21 77 0 0

An Act to amend the Motor Vehicle Transport Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-20 80 0 0

An Act to correct certain anomalies, inconsistencies, out-dated terminology and errors and to deal with other matters of a non-controversial and uncomplicated nature in the Statutes and Regulations of Canada and to repeal certain provisions that have expi

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-20 65 0 0

An Act to establish Turkish Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-19 76 0 0

An Act respecting pharmacare

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-03-01 120 0 0

An Act to enact the Online Harms Act, to amend the Criminal Code, the Canadian Human Rights Act and An Act respecting the mandatory reporting of Internet child pornography by persons who provide an Internet service and to make consequential and related am

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-27 108 0 0

An Act to prohibit the export of thermal coal from Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-15 88 0 0

An Act to amend the Excise Tax Act and the Income Tax Act (extra-energy-efficient products)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-15 103 0 0

An Act to amend the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (plastic manufactured items)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 100 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (extortion)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 97 0 0

An Act to amend the Impact Assessment Act (federal-provincial agreements)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 92 0 0

An Act to amend the Parliament of Canada Act (need to know)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 90 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (orders prohibiting the possession of weapons)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 97 0 0

An Act amending the Canada Labour Code (complaints by former employees)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 98 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (motor vehicle theft)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-13 102 0 0

An Act respecting the recognition of the Haida Nation and the Council of the Haida Nation

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-09 118 0 0

An Act to amend An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying), No. 2

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-02 99 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (assaults against persons who provide health services and first responders)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2024-02-01 93 0 0

An Act to amend the National Defence Act (sexual offences)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 106 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (promotion of hatred or antisemitism)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 91 0 0

An Act to establish the Office of the Ombud for the Department of National Defence and the Canadian Forces, to make related amendments to the Contraventions Act and to make consequential amendments to certain Acts

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 85 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Transportation Act (passenger rail service)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 90 0 0

An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (substances in menstrual tampons)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 85 0 0

An Act respecting the implementation of a consumer-led banking system for Canadians

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 92 0 0

An Act respecting Christian Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 95 0 0

An act to establish Albanian Heritage Month

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 98 0 0

An Act to amend the Food and Drugs Act (natural health products)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 90 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code (unlocking of electronic device)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 90 0 0

An Act to amend the Feeds Act, the Seeds Act and the Pest Control Products Act (provisional registration and approval)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 98 0 0

An Act to establish a national strategy to reduce the amount of wasted food in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 99 0 0

An Act respecting water, source water, drinking water, wastewater and related infrastructure on First Nation lands

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 99 0 0

An Act to implement the 2023 Free Trade Agreement between Canada and Ukraine

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 94 0 0

An Act to amend the Public Servants Disclosure Protection Act and to make a consequential amendment to the Conflict of Interest Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 99 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Corrections and Conditional Release Act (conditions of release and conditional sentences)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 96 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act (demographic information)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 97 0 0

An Act to implement certain provisions of the fall economic statement tabled in Parliament on November 21, 2023 and certain provisions of the budget tabled in Parliament on March 28, 2023

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 91 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada Labour Code and the Canada Industrial Relations Board Regulations, 2012

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 101 0 0

An Act respecting a national strategy for children and youth in Canada

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 91 0 0

An Act to amend the Criminal Code and the Wild Animal and Plant Protection and Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-12-20 92 0 0

An Act to amend the Corrections and Conditional Act (parole review)

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-11-09 90 0 0

An Act respecting a national framework on sickle cell disease

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-11-08 84 0 0

An Act to amend the Canada National Parks Act, the Canada National Marine Conservation Areas Act, the Rouge National Urban Park Act and the National Parks of Canada Fishing Regulations

Parliament of Canada Parliament of Canada Canada 2023-10-23 85 0 0